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Federal Government

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    Clinton Nostalgia Sets in, Bush Reaction Mixed

    Introduction and Summary As the country awaits the formal transfer of presidential power, Bill Clinton has never looked better to the American public, while his successor George W. Bush is receiving initial reviews that are more mixed, though still positive. The president leaves office with 61% of the public approving of the way he is […]

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    Performance and Purpose; Constituents Rate Government Agencies

    Introduction and Summary Americans have long been ambivalent, if not downright conflicted, in their attitudes toward the federal government. They rail against the government’s inefficiency, but clamor for government programs that benefit them. Since the era of Vietnam and Watergate, a majority of Americans have said they can seldom trust the government to do the […]

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    Public Cool To Presidential Pay Raise

    Introduction and Summary There is little public support for a plan to give the president a pay raise for the first time since 1969. When told that the president’s salary has not been increased since 1969, 49% favor a pay raise for the next president to take office, while 39% oppose it. But when people […]

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    Washington Leaders Wary of Public Opinion

    Introduction and Summary Washington’s leaders and the American public are out of step with one another. Public distrust of government is paralleled by a belief among members of Congress, presidential appointees and senior civil servants that the American public is too ill-informed to make wise decisions about important issues. Washington leaders also significantly underestimate the […]

  • report

    How Americans View Government

    Introduction and Summary Americans continue to distrust the government, although there are signs that hostility toward government has begun to diminish. There is also considerable evidence that distrust of government is strongly connected to how people feel about the overall state of the nation. Today, personal satisfaction is soaring, the economy is thriving and confidence […]

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    Americans Unmoved by Washington’s Big Stories

    Introduction and Summary Top news stories from Washington are not connecting with the American people, according to the latest News Interest Index poll. A summit meeting, the growing campaign finance controversy and the legislative impasse on Capitol Hill have so far failed to stir the public. Just 6% of Americans followed very closely news about […]

  • report

    Whitewater Weighs Down Clinton in Public’s Eyes

    Report Summary The Whitewater scandal is sapping public confidence in Bill Clinton. Almost as many Americans now disapprove, as approve of the way the President is handling his job, and there is a growing belief that the Whitewater case is disrupting the government’s ability to deal with major policy issues such as crime, healthcare reform, […]