short readsJan 3, 2023 118th Congress has a record number of women Women make up 28% of all members of the 118th Congress, a considerable increase from where things stood even a decade ago.
short readsFeb 25, 2021 In Vice President Kamala Harris, we can see how America has changed Kamala Harris embodies trends that have been unfolding over recent decades. As a result, many Americans can see themselves in her story.
reportFeb 2, 2021 Public Sees Black People, Women, Gays and Lesbians Gaining Influence in Biden Era More Americans also say evangelical Christians, business corporations and the military will lose than gain influence in Washington.
short readsJan 15, 2021 A record number of women are serving in the 117th Congress Women make up just over a quarter of all members of the 117th Congress – the highest percentage in U.S. history.
short readsOct 5, 2020 Key facts about women’s suffrage around the world, a century after U.S. ratified 19th Amendment At least 20 nations preceded the U.S. in granting women the right to vote, according to an analysis of measures in 198 countries and territories.
short readsAug 18, 2020 Men and women in the U.S. continue to differ in voter turnout rate, party identification In every U.S. presidential election dating back to 1984, women reported having turned out to vote at slightly higher rates than men.
short readsJul 7, 2020 61% of U.S. women say ‘feminist’ describes them well; many see feminism as empowering, polarizing A century after the 19th Amendment was passed, Americans differ over how well the term “feminism” describes them and how they see the movement.
short readsMar 6, 2020 Fast facts on the challenges Americans see for female political candidates as Warren exits 2020 race In 2018, 59% of U.S. adults said there were too few women in high political offices, including 69% of women and 48% of men who said this.
short readsJul 26, 2019 In 2018, two-thirds of Democratic women hoped to see a woman president in their lifetime Overall, about half of U.S. women and 38% of men said in 2018 that they personally hoped a woman would be elected president in their lifetime.
short readsMay 9, 2019 When should a woman have children if she’s thinking about running for office? Roughly half of Americans say it’s better for a woman who wants to reach high political office to have children before entering politics. Views are different when it comes to leadership positions in the business world.