Women may never make up half of the U.S. workforce
New projections indicate that the female share of the labor force will peak at 47.1% in 2025 and then taper off to 46.3% by 2060.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
New projections indicate that the female share of the labor force will peak at 47.1% in 2025 and then taper off to 46.3% by 2060.
Female police officers sometimes differ sharply from male officers in their views of policing and their experiences.
Looking at gender, race and ethnicity combined, all groups, with the exception of Asian men, lag behind white men in terms of median hourly earnings.
Working moms and dads don’t necessarily see eye to eye when it comes to how certain tasks are divided at home.
Women most often are the ones who adjust their schedules and make compromises when the needs of children and other family members collide with work, data show.
The number of businesses owned by women and minorities has grown considerably in recent years, particularly in certain industries, but based on revenue they remain on average considerably smaller than white- or male-owned firms.
Our research suggests the issue continues to resonate with many working moms.
Most Americans say women are every bit as capable of being good leaders as men, whether in political offices or in corporate boardrooms. So why, then, are they underrepresented in top jobs?
Survey Details: Conducted October 2013 | File Release Date: 12/22/14
Women still lag when it comes to holding top managerial positions. And among those with a preference, both men and women say they prefer a male boss and co-workers.
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