As the audience for online video continues to grow, a leading edge of internet users are migrating their viewing from their computer screens to their TV screens.
As gadgets with digital audio capability proliferate, podcast downloading continues to increase. Currently, 19% of all internet users say they have downloaded a podcast.
The Library of Congress invited Michael Wesch to deliver the third of four “Digital Natives” lectures. Wesch, creator of the world-famous YouTube video, “The Machine is Us/ing Us,” presented the “Anthropology of YouTube” to a packed, fascinated …
48% of internet users have been to video-sharing sites such as YouTube and the daily traffic to such sites on a typical day has doubled in the past year.
More teens are creating and sharing material on the internet. 28% of online teens have blogs, up from 2004 with growth fueled almost entirely by girls. “Super communicators” rise as email fades as a tool for teens.
In a format the public says it prefers — “regular people,” not journalists, posing the questions — immigration emerged as the hot-button issue. Were the candidates’ answers in sync with GOP voters’ opinions?