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Presidents & Press

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    On Twitter: dueling views on the shutdown and Obamacare Methodology This analysis employed media research methods that combined Pew Research’s content analysis rules with computer coding software developed by Crimson Hexagon. This report is based on examinations of more than 1.5 million tweets. Crimson Hexagon is a software platform that identifies statistical patterns in words used in online texts. Researchers enter key terms […]

  • report

    Pluralities Say Press is Fair to Romney, Obama

    Overview There is no public consensus when it comes to how the presidential candidates are being covered by the news media. Nearly half (46%) say the coverage of Romney has been fair, while among those who see a bias as many say the press has been too easy on the GOP nominee (20%) as too […]

  • report

    The Master Character Narratives in Campaign 2012

    On the eve of the conventions, the portrayal in the news media of the character and records of the two presidential contenders in 2012 has been as negative as any campaign in recent times, and neither candidate has enjoyed any advantage over the other.