Americans who primarily get news through social media are least likely to follow COVID-19 coverage, most likely to report seeing made-up news
More than half of these social media news consumers say they have encountered made-up news about COVID-19.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
More than half of these social media news consumers say they have encountered made-up news about COVID-19.
There are notable differences between white and black Democrats in news consumption habits and assessments of recent political events and figures in the news.
In total, 20% of all Democrats get political news only from outlets with left-leaning audiences, while 18% of all Republicans do so only from outlets with right-leaning audiences.
Nearly three out of four U.S. adults say that, in general, it’s important for journalists to function as watchdogs over elected officials.
Concern is highest among people who follow political news most closely, older adults and those who display more knowledge about politics in general.
U.S. newspaper circulation fell in 2018 to its lowest level since 1940, and newspaper revenues declined dramatically between 2008 and 2018.
Americans who closely follow political news are more likely to have confidence that the public will accept election results. And that’s true across party boundaries.
Both Democrats and Republicans express far more distrust than trust of social media sites as sources for political and election news.
Our director of journalism studies explains how we determined what media outlets Americans turn to and trust for their political news.
Roughly six-in-ten U.S. adults often get news on a mobile device, compared with 30% who often do so on a desktop or laptop computer.
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