Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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  • report

    Print books vs. e-books: Which is better for what

    Our recent e-reading report has received a lot of attention over the past week, and one section in particular that seemed to spark conversation was our “print vs. e-books” showdown. When does print win out over e-books (and vice versa?)

  • report

    A sneak peek at our research timeline

    Over the course of the next two years, we’ll come out with a series of reports examining technology adoption and use in libraries, patrons’ expectations, the “library of the future,” and how libraries fit into people’s lives in all sorts of ways.

  • report

    The rise of e-reading

    21% of Americans have read an e-book. The increasing availability of e-content is prompting some to read more than in the past and to prefer buying books to borrowing them.

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    Let us be your megaphone

    Chances are, if you’re reading this post, you’re someone who loves storytelling as much as we do. And while we at Pew Internet primarily tell stories through data, we also rely heavily on qualitative research to help us better understand the larger trends we observe in our research.

  • report

    Libraries get a room of their own

    You may notice that this website looks and feels a bit different from the home site of