Far more immigration cases are being prosecuted criminally under Trump administration
The first full fiscal year of the Trump administration saw large increases in the number of people arrested and criminally prosecuted for immigration offenses.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
The first full fiscal year of the Trump administration saw large increases in the number of people arrested and criminally prosecuted for immigration offenses.
In this 2014 post, we explore how Americans’ views of former president Richard Nixon shifted negative amid the Watergate scandal.
Veterans of prime working age generally fare at least as well as non-veterans in the U.S. job market, though there are differences in the work they do.
Today’s active duty military is smaller and more racially and ethnically diverse than in previous generations. More women are officers.
What it means to be a military veteran in the United States is being shaped by a new generation of service members. About one-in-five veterans today served on active duty after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Their collective experiences – from deployment to combat to the transition back to civilian life – are markedly different from those who served in previous eras.
Americans say the public’s trust has been declining in both the federal government and in their fellow citizens. But most say this can be turned around.
Most Americans think sending astronauts to Mars or the moon should be a lower priority for NASA – or say it should not be done at all.
About two-thirds of U.S. veterans say the war in Iraq was not worth fighting, while 58% say the same of the war in Afghanistan.
The share of Americans who favor same sex marriage has grown in recent years, though there are still demographic and partisan divides.
The U.S. is one of 23 countries where the military draft is authorized but not currently implemented. An additional 60 have some form of an active conscription program.
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