Brazilians’ views of U.S. rebound as wounds of NSA scandal heal
Revelations in September 2013 that the U.S. government had monitored the private communications of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff had strained relations between the two countries.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Revelations in September 2013 that the U.S. government had monitored the private communications of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff had strained relations between the two countries.
Our most recent survey of 40 countries from around the world included a number of questions about Obama and his handling of major international issues.
Ratings for the U.S. remain mostly positive, with a global median of 69% expressing a favorable view. Countries also express broad support for America’s military efforts against ISIS, but are critical of the U.S. government’s use of torture after 9/11.
Obama’s visit to India on Republic Day is expected to usher in a new, positive era in India-U.S. relations — especially at a time when a majority of Indians have a favorable view of the United States and a majority of Americans express a positive opinion of India.
Strengthening the economy has been one of the public’s top priorities for the president and Congress going back even before the Great Recession. Here are key takeaways from our surveys on the state of public opinion about the economy.
Survey Report As public perceptions of Barack Obama have changed over the course of his presidency, so too have the words used to describe him. The national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Jan. 7-11 among 1,504 adults, finds that the words good (35 mentions) and incompetent (33 mentions) are used most frequently to […]
Immigration continues to loom as a major issue in 2015, following President Obama’s executive actions last year expanding the number of undocumented immigrants permitted to work and stay in the U.S. A roundup of facts about unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. and public opinion.
The healthcare industry, food and drink establishments and temp services have driven most of the jobs growth since Barack Obama took office nearly six years ago.
Some political observers predict that Obama will be using his veto pen a lot more in his last two years in office than he did in the first six. Recent history indicates that presidents do veto more bills when both houses of Congress are controlled by the opposing party.
Trade is shaping up as a major issue on the 2015 legislative agenda, with Congressional leaders and Obama suggesting bilateral cooperation on U.S. trade agendas. Indeed, a Pew Research Center survey suggests such bipartisan efforts also could find public support.