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Health Care

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  • transcript

    Dr. No? The Debate on Conscience in Health Care

    Washington, D.C. Does requiring pharmacists to dispense medication they find morally objectionable violate their rights to the free exercise of religion? Or, are religious objections secondary to a woman’s right to receive an approved prescription in a timely manner? These questions are sparking legislative debates across the country as pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions […]

  • report

    Less Opposition to Gay Marriage, Adoption and Military Service

    Summary of Findings Public acceptance of homosexuality has increased in a number of ways in recent years, though it remains a deeply divisive issue. Half of Americans (51%) continue to oppose legalizing gay marriage, but this number has declined significantly from 63% in February 2004, when opposition spiked following the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision and […]

  • report

    Public Unmoved by Washington’s Rhetoric on Iraq

    Summary of Findings The political debate over the Iraq war has grown more pointed in recent weeks, as President Bush has embarked upon a series of high-profile speeches defending the war and Democratic Rep. John Murtha has made headlines with his calls for a withdrawal of U.S. forces. But fundamental public attitudes toward the war […]

  • report

    Health Information Online

    Eight in ten internet users have looked online for information on at least one of 16 health topics, with increased interest since 2002 in diet, fitness, drugs, health insurance, experimental treatments, and particular doctors and hospitals.

  • fact sheet

    Health Care Experiences

    This survey brief examines Latinos’ experiences with health care in the United States. Topics discussed include coverage, accessing health care services, and communicating with health care providers.