short readsJun 2, 2020 How Americans envision a post-pandemic world order Americans are divided in their outlooks, mainly along ideological lines, but are more united on opinions about China’s place in the world.
short readsMay 28, 2020 Around three-in-ten Americans are very confident they could fact-check news about COVID-19 Americans’ confidence in checking COVID-19 information aligns closely with their confidence in checking the accuracy of news stories broadly.
short readsMay 26, 2020 Americans are critical of China’s handling of COVID-19, distrust information about it from Beijing Americans expect China’s international reputation will suffer because of how the country has handled the coronavirus outbreak.
short readsMay 26, 2020 Few U.S. adults say they’ve been diagnosed with coronavirus, but more than a quarter know someone who has Relatively few Americans say they have tested positive for coronavirus antibodies, but many more believe they may have been infected.
short readsMay 22, 2020 Americans are following news about presidential candidates much less closely than COVID-19 news With Election Day six months away, 52% of Americans are paying fairly close or very close attention to news about the presidential candidates.
reportMay 21, 2020 Americans Give Higher Ratings to South Korea and Germany Than U.S. for Dealing With Coronavirus U.S. adults give high marks to South Korea and Germany’s pandemic responses. In contrast, most believe China has done an only fair or poor job.
short readsMay 21, 2020 Most Americans expect a COVID-19 vaccine within a year; 72% say they would get vaccinated Americans’ expectations for the year ahead include an effective treatment or cure for COVID-19, as well as a vaccine to prevent the disease.
reportMay 20, 2020 Americans Who Rely Most on White House for COVID-19 News More Likely to Downplay the Pandemic People in this group are most likely to say the outbreak has been made too big of a deal and journalists have been exaggerating the risks.
short readsMay 20, 2020 Americans favor medical care but not economic aid for undocumented immigrants affected by COVID-19 68% of U.S. adults say the federal government has a responsibility to provide medical care to undocumented immigrants who have COVID-19.
short readsMay 18, 2020 Amid coronavirus crisis, Americans and Germans see changing world in different ways Germans are increasingly negative about their relationship with the U.S. Also, Germans are more comfortable than Americans with globalization.