Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Trust in Government

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    U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious

    There has been a modest drop in overall rates of belief in God and participation in religious practices. But religiously affiliated Americans are as observant as before.

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    Public Trust in Government: 1958-2014

    Public trust in the government remains near historic lows, although somewhat higher than during the October 2013 government shutdown. In a survey conducted in February 2014, 24% said they trust the government in Washington always or most of the time. Explore public attitudes towards the federal government over time and compare the data with other […]

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    Public Esteem for Military Still High

    More than three-quarters of Americans continue to believe that members of the military contribute “a lot” to society’s well-being. By contrast, only 37% say clergy make a big contribution to society, and journalists have dropped the most in public esteem since 2009.