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Election 2010

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    News Coverage Surpasses Interest at Campaign’s End

    Summary of Findings Both the public and the media focused most closely last week on the congressional elections as Tuesday’s midterm vote approached. Still, the public’s interest in election news did not increase in the final days of the campaign, despite heavy news coverage. The latest News Interest Index survey, conducted among 1,003 adults from […]

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    Religion in the 2010 Elections: A Preliminary Look

    A Pew Forum analysis of National Election Pool exit poll data reported by CNN shows that Republican gains among religious groups parallel the party’s broad-based gains among the overall electorate and white voters in particular.

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    Disputed Video Brings Religion to Forefront of Hawaii’s Gubernatorial Race

    Hawaii Lt. Governor James “Duke” Aiona‘s religious beliefs and his past involvement with an international Christian organization, the International Transformation Network, have become an issue in his bid for the governor’s office, according to Hawaiian media reports. Aiona, a Republican, is running against Democrat Neil Abercrombie, who represented Hawaii’s 1st District in Congress from 1991 […]

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    Pre-Election Analysis: Politics in the Pulpit

    This analysis is a section from an Oct. 21, 2010 survey report by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, Ground War More Intense Than 2006, Early Voting More Prevalent. Read the full report and survey methodology. Among voters who attend religious services at least once or twice a month, 15% say […]

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    Gubernatorial Candidates Caught Up in Death Penalty Debates

    With Election Day less than two weeks away, debates over the death penalty are heating up in gubernatorial races in California, Connecticut and Illinois. On Oct. 14, California GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, a staunch death penalty supporter, released a television ad attacking her Democratic opponent, California Attorney General Jerry Brown, for his position on […]