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Elections Before 2008

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    The Internet and Campaign 2004

    75 million Americans used the internet in the last campaign to get political news and information, discuss candidates and debate issues in emails, or participate directly in the political process by volunteering or giving contributions to candidates….

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    Religion and the 2004 Election: A Post-Election Analysis

    The close 2004 presidential election produced increased polarization between and within religious communities, according to a new poll conducted by The University of Akron’s Bliss Institute of Applied Politics. The Fourth National Survey of Religion and Politics, sponsored by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, was conducted in November and December 2004. Titled […]

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    Public Opinion Little Changed by Presidential Election

    Summary of Findings Six weeks after President Bush’s victory, the divisions that were so apparent in the election show no signs of narrowing. The public remains split over the president’s job performance, the situation in Iraq, and the state of the national economy. But Bush voters are upbeat on all three questions ­ 92% approve […]

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    Voters Liked Campaign 2004, But Too Much ’Mud-Slinging’

    Summary of Findings Campaign 2004 receives generally favorable marks from the voters. An overwhelming 86% say they learned enough about the candidates to make an informed choice, while two-thirds express satisfaction with the choice of candidates. However, voters also believe this campaign was more negative than previous contests ­ 72% say there was more mud-slinging […]