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    U.S. Hispanics: Religious, Social and Political Differences

    A major survey of U.S. Hispanics conducted by the Pew Research Center asked more than 5,000 respondents about their religious, social and political views. See how their responses compare to the U.S. general public, and note the differences within the Hispanic population among four major religious groups.

  • report

    King’s Dream Remains an Elusive Goal; Many Americans See Racial Disparities

    Five decades after Martin Luther King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington, D.C., a new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that fewer than half (45%) of all Americans say the country has made substantial progress toward racial equality and about the same share (49%) say that “a lot more” remains to be done.

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    Race and Voting

    In the next several weeks the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of the requirement that several states, mostly in the South, get “pre-clearance” from the Justice Department before they make any changes to their election laws. The requirement was part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was an emergency […]

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    Latinos, Religion and Campaign 2012

    Latinos are divided by religion in their preferences in the upcoming presidential election. Three-quarters of Latino Catholics and eight-in-ten religiously unaffiliated Latinos support President Barack Obama’s re-election.

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    Latinos, Religion and Campaign 2012

    A recent survey finds Latino Catholic voters strongly favor Obama, while Latino evangelical Protestants are more closely divided in their support for Obama and Romney. The survey also finds rising support for same-sex marriage among Latinos.

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    Too Much Coverage: Birth Certificate, Royal Wedding

    Summary of Findings Majorities of Americans say news organizations focused too much last week on both the royal wedding in England and the release of the long-form version of Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Nearly two-thirds (64%) say the press gave too much coverage to the April 29 wedding in London of Prince William and Kate […]