Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Religion & Science

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    Catholics Divided Over Global Warming

    A solid majority of U.S. Catholics believe that Earth is warming. But climate change is a highly politicized issue that sharply divides American Catholics, like the U.S. public as a whole, mainly along political party lines.

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    How Different Groups Think about Scientific Issues

    Different demographic groups think differently about scientific issues. For example, those more likely to think genetically modified food is unsafe include women, African-Americans and Hispanics, and those without college degrees. Those more likely to say parents should be able to decide whether to vaccinate their children include younger adults, Republicans and independents.

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    Public’s Views on Human Evolution

    While 60% of Americans believe in human evolution, a third reject the idea. Beliefs about evolution differ strongly by religious group and also vary by party affiliation, gender, age and education.

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    Religious Groups’ Views on End-of-Life Issues

    In these summaries, religious leaders, scholars and ethicists from 16 major American religious groups explain how their faith traditions’ teachings address physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia and other end-of-life questions.

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    To End Our Days

    The Social, Legal and Political Dimensions of the End-of-Life Debate

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    Views on End-of-Life Medical Treatments

    Most Americans say there are circumstances in which doctors and nurses should allow a patient to die, but a growing minority says medical professionals always should do everything possible to save a patient’s life.