AI and Human Enhancement: Americans’ Openness Is Tempered by a Range of Concerns
Public views are tied to how these technologies would be used and what constraints would be in place.
Public views are tied to how these technologies would be used and what constraints would be in place.
Many Americans who are highly religious and identify with certain Christian traditions express discomfort with human enhancement.
As artificial intelligence plays a growing role in the everyday lives of people around the world, views on AI’s impact on society are mixed.
No religious group in the United States has released an official statement on radical life extension. However, here are brief summaries of how some clergy, bioethicists and other scholars from 18 major American religious groups say their traditions might approach this evolving issue.
The prospect of dying has always fascinated, haunted and, ultimately, defined human beings. From the beginnings of civilization, people have contemplated their own mortality – and considered the possibility of immortality.
Embryonic stem cell research, which uses special cells found in three- to five-day-old human embryos to seek cures for a host of chronic diseases, has sparked a major moral and political debate in the United States. In the 10 years since University of Wisconsin scientists announced they had harvested potentially life-saving cells from surplus embryos […]
An overview of the stem cell debate in America examines the science behind stem cell technology and looks at public opinion trends.
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