Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    Chapter 4. Population Change in the U.S. and the World from 1950 to 2050

    The demographic future for the U.S. and the world looks very different than the recent past in key respects. Growth from 1950 to 2010 was rapid—the global population nearly tripled, and the U.S. population doubled. However, population growth from 2010 to 2050 is projected to be significantly slower and is expected to tilt strongly to […]

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    Beard, John R., Simon Biggs, David E. Bloom, Linda P. Fried, Paul Hogan, Alexandre Kalache and S. Jay Olshansky, eds. Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise? Geneva: World Economic Forum (2011). Bloom, David E., David Canning and Günther Fink. “Implications of Population Aging for Economic Growth,” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 16705 […]

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    Chapter 1. Global Public Opinion on Aging

    Public awareness of aging and its potential economic pitfalls varies across countries, but the view that aging is a major problem is more prevalent in countries whose populations are projected to be among the oldest in 2050, such as Japan, South Korea and Germany. People’s confidence in their ability to maintain an adequate standard of […]

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    Chapter 2. Aging in the U.S. and Other Countries, 2010 to 2050

    Although the population in the U.S. is getting older and growing more slowly than in the past, the demographic future for the U.S. is robust in comparison with other countries. In particular, the U.S. population is projected to grow faster and age slower than the populations of its major economic partners in Europe and Asia. […]

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    Chapter 3. Aging in Major Regions of the World, 2010 to 2050

    The trends in population growth and aging in the countries included in this report reflect the trends for the regions in which they are located. In all major regions of the world, the population of seniors is growing faster than the populations of other age groups and the median age is on the rise. But […]

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    Survey Methods

    About the 2013 Spring Pew Global Attitudes Survey Results for the survey are based on telephone and face-to-face interviews conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International. Survey results are based on national samples. For further details on sample designs, see below. The descriptions below show the margin of sampling error based on […]

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    Public Attitudes Toward the Next Social Contract

    Recent deliberations in Washington have triggered a national debate about key elements of the social safety net. Why the U.S. invests relatively less in its social safety net than many other countries reflect Americans’ conflicted, partisan and often contradictory views on fairness, inequality, the role and responsibility of government and individuals in society and the efficacy of government action.