Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Climate, Energy & Environment


Americans’ Extreme Weather Policy Views and Personal Experiences

Among those who say they’ve experienced at least one of five types of extreme weather we asked about, a large majority say climate change contributed at least a little. Most Republicans – and nearly all Democrats – say climate change played a role.

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    Science in America: Religious Belief and Public Attitudes

    The United States is the most religious of the advanced industrial democracies. At the same time, American scientists are recognized to be leaders in many areas of scientific research and application. This combination of widespread religious commitment and leadership in science and technology greatly enlarges the potential for conflict between faith and science in the […]

  • report

    Global Warming: A Divide on Causes and Solutions

    Summary of Findings President Bush’s mention in his State of the Union Message of the “serious challenge of global climate change” was directed at an American public many of whom remain lukewarm about the importance of the issue. The unusual weather affecting the nation this winter may have reinforced the widely held view that the […]

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    Diminished Public Appetite for Military Force and Mideast Oil

    Summary of Findings Five years later, Americans’ views of the impact of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks have changed little, but opinions about how best to protect against future attacks have shifted substantially. In particular, far more Americans say reducing America’s overseas military presence, rather than expanding it, will have a greater effect in reducing […]

  • report

    The Surprising Impact of Global Warming on Tourism

    Which countries will win, which ones will lose in the race for tourism dollars as global warming heats up. (Hint: Book that Mongolian vacation now.) And did embedded reporters slant the news in Iraq?

  • report

    The Heat Over Global Warming

    New findings from a Pew Research Center for the People & the Press poll show that public attitudes about global warming are deeply divided along partisan lines. But even among Democrats, global warming ranks low relative to other issue priorities.