Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border have fallen sharply in 2024
The monthly number of U.S. Border Patrol encounters with migrants crossing from Mexico has plummeted in 2024 from 2023’s record high.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
The monthly number of U.S. Border Patrol encounters with migrants crossing from Mexico has plummeted in 2024 from 2023’s record high.
Views vary on other ideas, such as recognizing same-sex marriages. Most see Pope Francis as a change in the church’s direction, and he’s broadly popular.
Pope Francis is broadly popular in much of Latin America and the U.S., but favorability has fallen in the Latin American countries surveyed.
A median of 52% of adults across the six surveyed countries have a favorable opinion of Brazil, while 28% have an unfavorable opinion.
Mexicans hold generally positive views of the United States, while Americans hold generally negative views of Mexico – a reversal from 2017.
Large majorities in nearly all 35 nations surveyed say China has a great deal or a fair amount of influence on their country’s economic conditions.
NATO is seen more positively than not across 13 member states. And global confidence in Ukraine’s leader has become more mixed since last year.
Across 34 nations polled, a 43% median have confidence in Biden’s handling of world affairs, while a 28% median have confidence in Trump.
We asked over 30,000 people what would help democracy work better in their country. Key themes in their responses were addressing basic needs and improving or rebuilding the political system.
Amid growing discontent with the state of democracy globally, we asked over 30,000 people what changes would make their democracy work better.
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