The Pew Research CenterPew Global Attitudes Project: Spring 2005 Survey—FINAL TOPLINE—United States: May 18—May 22, 2005 (N=1,001)Russia: April 28—May 13, 2005 (N=1,002)China: May 21—31, 2005 (N=2,191)Turkey: April 27—May 14, 2005 (N=1,003)India: May 1—May 29, 2005 (N=2,042)Pakistan: May 2—24, 2005 (N=1,225)NOTE: Data based on national samples except in China, India, and Pakistan where the samplewas disproportionately or exclusively urban.Q.1 Here is a ladder representing the "ladder of life."Let's suppose the top of theladder represents the best possible life for you; and the bottom, the worst possible lifefor you.On which step of the ladder do you feel you personally stand at the present time?SHOW CARDHighMediumLowDon't know/(7-10)(4-6)(0-3)RefusedUnited States593371=100Summer, 2002 642952=100198953407*=100Russia1652311=100Summer, 2002 1954281=1021991745462=100Turkey2055241=100Summer, 2002 1752274=100Pakistan225721*=100Summer, 2002 2552221=100India34588*=100Summer, 2002 1760213=101China2957131=100Summer, 2002 236116*=100Q.2 On which step of the ladder would you say you stood five years ago?SHOW CARDHighMediumLowDon't know/(7-10)(4-6)(0-3)RefusedUnited States4640122=100Summer, 2002 4539142=10019894244141=101Russia1846342=100Summer, 2002 2445301=10019912247283=100Turkey2845262=101Summer, 2002 3639214=100Pakistan2651221=100Summer, 2002 3450151=100India285616*=100Summer, 2002 2053243=100China2655181=100Summer, 2002 235423*=100Q.3 Just your best guess, on which step do you think you will stand in the future,say five years from now?SHOW CARDHighMediumLowDon't know/(7-10)(4-6)(0-3)RefusedUnited States7012710=99Summer, 2002 80848=1001989701875=100Russia34262416=100Summer, 2002 36261721=100199119283320=100Turkey38321516=101Summer, 2002 39242116=100Pakistan3423736=100Summer, 2002 4415536=100India751717=100Summer, 2002 4230919=100China692245=100Summer, 2002 553195=100