This report was written by Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, senior researcher. Jeffrey S. Passel, senior demographer, provided statistical guidance. Gonzalez-Barrera and Gustavo López, research assistant, led development of the survey questionnaire. Kyley McGeeney, senior methodologist, provided guidance on the questionnaire’s development. Mark Hugo Lopez, director of Global Migration and Demography research; James Bell, vice president for global strategy; D’Vera Cohn, senior writer/editor; and Molly Rohal, communications manager, provided editorial guidance. Gonzalez-Barrera and López created charts and tables. López and Jynnah Radford, research assistant, number-checked the report and its graphics. Anna Brown, research analyst, number-checked the survey topline. Ariana Rodriguez-Gitler, digital producer, assisted with formatting and production. Aleksandra Sandstrom copy edited the report. Find related reports online at