Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Why most Facebook users get more than they give


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  1. Hampton, K.N., L.S. Goulet, L. Rainie, and K. Purcell, Social Networking Sites and Our Lives: How People’s Trust, Personal Relationships, and Civic and Political Involvement are Connected to Their Use of Social Networking Sites and Other Technologies. 2011, Pew Research: Washington, D.C. Available from:
  2. Barabasi, A.L., Linked: The New Science of Networks. 2002, Cambridge, Massachusettes: Perseus Publishing.
  3. Heath, C. and D. Heath, Made to stick : why some ideas survive and others die. 2007, New York: Random House.
  4. Hampton, K.N., Comparing Bonding and Bridging Ties for Democratic Engagement: Everyday Use of Communication Technologies within Social Networks for Civic and Civil Behaviors. Information, Communication & Society, 2011. 14(4): p. 510-528.
  5. Putnam, R., Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. 2000, New York: Simon and Schuster. 541.
  6. Ugander, J., B. Karrer, L. Backstrom, and C. Marlow, The Anatomy of the Facebook Social Graph. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1111.4503, 2011.
  7. Sudman, S., N.M. Bradburn, and N. Schwarz, Thinking About Answers: The Application of Cognitive Process to Survey Methodology. 1996, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 304.
  8. Hampton, K.N., Internet Use and the Concentration of Disadvantage. American Behavioral Scientist, 2010. 53(8): p. 1111-1132.
  9. McCarty, C., H.R. Bernard, P.D. Killworth, G.A. Shelley, and E.C. Johnsen, Eliciting representative samples of personal networks. Social Networks, 1997. 19(4): p. 303-323.  Available from:
  10. Valente, T.W., Social Networks and Health. 2010, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  11. Feld, S., Why Your Friends Have More Friends than You Do. American Journal of Sociology, 1991. 96: p. 1464-77.
  12. Hampton, K.N., L. Sessions, and E. Ja Her, Core Networks, Social Isolation, and New Media: Internet and Mobile Phone Use, Network Size, and Diversity. Information, Communication & Society, 2011. 14(1): p. 130-155.  Available from:
  13. Hampton, K.N., L.F. Sessions, E.J. Her, and L. Rainie, Social Isolation and New Technology. 2009, Pew Internet & American Life Project: Washington. Available from:–Social-Isolation-and-New-Technology.aspx.
  14. Sherbourne, C.D. and A. Stewart, L., The MOS Social Support Survey. Social Science & Medicine, 1991. 32(6): p. 705-714.
  15. Pennebaker, J.W., Emotion, disclosure & health. 1995, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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