This report is largely based on a Pew Research Center survey of police officers conducted by the National Police Research Platform (NPRP), which collaborated with Center researchers on the questionnaire and oversaw the technical administration of the survey. The Center retained final editorial control over the questionnaire, the analysis of the survey and the contents of this report.
The NPRP, headquartered at the University of Illinois at Chicago from 2008 to 2016, seeks to advance the science and practice of policing in the United States. It is now based at the Police Foundation in Washington, D.C., with continued support from the National Institute of Justice. It is managed by a team of leading police scholars and practitioners, supported by a respected national advisory board. The NPRP researchers who participated in this project were:
Dennis P. Rosenbaum, University of Illinois at Chicago, NPRP Principal Investigator Stephen D. Mastrofski, George Mason University, NPRP Co-principal Investigator Susan M. Hartnett, University of Illinois at Chicago, NPRP Co-principal Investigator Wesley G. Skogan, Northwestern University, NPRP Co-principal Investigator Justin Escamilla, University of Illinois at Chicago, Research Coordinator Georgina Enciso, University of Illinois at Chicago, Research Coordinator
This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals at the Pew Research Center. Find related reports online at
Kim Parker, Director of Social Trends Research Rich Morin, Senior Editor Renee Stepler, Research Analyst Juliana Horowitz, Associate Director, Research Claudia Deane, Vice President, Research Courtney Kennedy, Director of Survey Research Andrew Mercer, Senior Research Methodologist Anna Brown, Research Analyst Nikki Graf, Research Associate Michael Keegan, Information Graphics Designer Travis Mitchell, Digital Producer Molly Rohal, Communications Manager Brian Mahl, Communications Coordinator Marcia Kramer, Kramer Editing Services